Title: What We Deserve
Author: Elizabeth Helena
Fandom: Starsky & Hutch
Rating: R for sex that’s bad in so many ways.
Gen or Slash: Canon het included (sorry), but as for fanon gen or slash, it’s all in the dirty mind of the beholder.
Codes: Drabble, missing scene, a clearly jealous and hard-up author. . . hey!
Warning: The opinions expressed are those of the depressed character, and do not necessarily reflect those of the depressed
Spoilers: For Starsky vs. Hutch, although it could be argued that this episode is already rancid.
Summary: In light of Starsky’s confession of love, what the f*ck was Hutch thinking while f*cking Kira right
Dedication: To Rebelcat, because it’s her fault I recently watched that skanky episode again. I mean, came to
fully appreciate this episode’s emotional complexities. Kiss, kiss. Hug, hug.
Feedback/Critique: Sir, yes, sir. May I please have another?